Stay up to-date with the latest imaging, analysis and metrology news from Digital Surf.
April 16, 2020
During this challenging time, it is paramount to us to help Mountains® software customers and those trying out the software to continue to work as ...
March 16, 2020
Digital Surf continues to follow global developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential implications. Although...
February 24, 2020
With MountainsSPIP® software, users can easily detect and quantify particles, pores and other micro-structures of any shape and size. This free web...
February 14, 2020
The Digital Surf team were thrilled to reveal new features of Mountains® 8 software during the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit which took place ...
February 12, 2020
MountainsSPIP® 8 software is the next-generation of image anaysis software for SPM users. It contains the best analytical tools from SPIP 6 softwar...
January 15, 2020
To get 2020 off to a great start, the Mountains® development team have been concocting a significant version update which we are pleased to make av...
December 17, 2019
The whole team at Digital Surf would like to thank our partners, customers and Mountains® software users for 30 extraordinary years and wish you a ...
November 12, 2019
Many scanning probe microscopes can image several interactions simultaneously. Through their different modes, SPMs produce multiple datasets at the...
October 3, 2019
Today sees the official launch of Mountains® 8, Digital Surf's new-generation surface imaging, analysis and metrology software. Buil...
Press release: October 3, 2019 Besançon, France: Digital Surf today releases the Mountains® 8 software platform. This release builds extensively...
July 23, 2019
With Mountains® 8 comes an extended set of possibilities for accurately measuring any feature directly on image data from any instrument (SEM, SPM,...
July 12, 2019
Digital Surf is thrilled to launch Mountains® 8, the next generation of its industry-standard surface imaging, analysis and metrology software. ...