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Working from home during COVID-19 lockdown? We have solutions.

During this challenging time, it is paramount to us to help Mountains® software customers and those trying out the software to continue to work as ...

Digital Surf operations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Digital Surf continues to follow global developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential implications. Although...

MountainsSPIP® webinar: particle analysis

With MountainsSPIP® software, users can easily detect and quantify particles, pores and other micro-structures of any shape and size. This free web...

Digital Surf & Mountains® 8 software at MRS 2019

The Digital Surf team were thrilled to reveal new features of Mountains® 8 software during the MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit which took place ...

MountainsSPIP® webinar: Preparing SPM images for analysis

MountainsSPIP® 8 software is the next-generation of image anaysis software for SPM users. It contains the best analytical tools from SPIP 6 softwar...

What’s new in the Mountains® 8 January 2020 update?

To get 2020 off to a great start, the Mountains® development team have been concocting a significant version update which we are pleased to make av...

Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!

The whole team at Digital Surf would like to thank our partners, customers and Mountains® software users for 30 extraordinary years and wish you a ...

Multi-channel data: how to study correlations

Many scanning probe microscopes can image several interactions simultaneously. Through their different modes, SPMs produce multiple datasets at the...

Official launch of Mountains® 8

Today sees the official launch of Mountains® 8, Digital Surf's new-generation surface imaging, analysis and metrology software. Buil...

Digital Surf releases Mountains® 8 image & surface analysis software

Press release: October 3, 2019 Besançon, France: Digital Surf today releases the Mountains® 8 software platform. This release builds extensively...

Measure any object in a microscope image

With Mountains® 8 comes an extended set of possibilities for accurately measuring any feature directly on image data from any instrument (SEM, SPM,...

What’s New in Mountains® 8?

Digital Surf is thrilled to launch Mountains® 8, the next generation of its industry-standard surface imaging, analysis and metrology software. ...